REPORT Overview

Influencer Strategy

Detailed breakdown of successful influencer content across niches, enabling brands to improve their content and connect more authentically with their audience.
Report overview

Boost your brand’s influence with competitive intelligence

Use the Influencer Strategy report to uncover top-performing influencer strategies in your category to create more impactful brand collaborations and content

Why use this research

  • Discover new, impactful influencers to enhance your brand's reach and authenticity.
  • Benchmark your brand’s influencer marketing efforts against competitors, staying competitive and relevant.
  • Tailor your content mix and format to align with proven influencer strategies and audience preferences.
  • Understand the relationship between influencer marketing and the customer's path to purchase.
  • Realign your marketing strategies based on successful content categories and themes used by influencers.

Why use this research

  • Discover new, impactful influencers to enhance your brand's reach and authenticity.
  • Benchmark your brand’s influencer marketing efforts against competitors, staying competitive and relevant.
  • Tailor your content mix and format to align with proven influencer strategies and audience preferences.
  • Understand the relationship between influencer marketing and the customer's path to purchase.
  • Realign your marketing strategies based on successful content categories and themes used by influencers.

What's Included

Benchmarks and Brand Comparison

Offers an overview of the industry, highlighting key brands and metrics, to understand the role of influencers in the market.

Thematic Content Insights

Dissects top content categories in the industry, analyzing which types of influencer content are most effective with audiences.

Brand Comparisons

Provides a brand-by-brand comparison of influencer marketing strategies, including content, key influencers, and channel utilization.

Top Influencers

Profiles leading influencers in the category, exploring their impact on brand performance and successful collaborations

Trends & Strategic Recommendations

Combines emerging trends and strategic recommendations to guide brands in aligning their influencer marketing strategies.

Get Your Copy of: Harnessing Influencers to Engage New Mothers

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