REPORT Overview

Periodic Listening Report

An in-depth exploration of online conversations over time, assisting brands in aligning their strategies to current customer expectations and sentiments.
Report overview

Keep a pulse on your customers to stay ahead of your competitors

The Periodic Listening Report helps you track market shifts and customer sentiment over a desired timeframe to keep your strategies effective and relevant.

Why use this research

  • Gain deep insights into customer attitudes during critical events, shaping your immediate response strategies.
  • Track evolving public sentiment about your brand, to stay ahead in a rapidly changing market.
  • Benchmark and track your brand's perception regularly to stay aligned with consumer expectations.
  • Respond proactively to emerging market trends and public opinion, maintaining your brand’s relevance.
  • Utilize real-time insights to enhance customer care responses and improve overall customer experience.

Why use this research

  • Gain deep insights into customer attitudes during critical events, shaping your immediate response strategies.
  • Track evolving public sentiment about your brand, to stay ahead in a rapidly changing market.
  • Benchmark and track your brand's perception regularly to stay aligned with consumer expectations.
  • Respond proactively to emerging market trends and public opinion, maintaining your brand’s relevance.
  • Utilize real-time insights to enhance customer care responses and improve overall customer experience.

What's Included

Scorecard and Summary

Provides an overview of KPIs including overall sentiment, share of voice, key topics and other vital metrics for a snapshot of market health and brand performance

Brand Comparison

Examines each brand individually, highlighting market differentiators, strengths, and weaknesses to identify trends in brand perception and inform strategic positioning

Trending Themes and Topics

Identifies and analyzes major themes and topics from the reporting period, focusing on audience resonance, product perceptions, market shifts, and impacts on brand strategy

Demographic and Geographic Analysis

Offers insights based on specific demographic groups and geographic regions, crucial for understanding market segment variations and developing targeted strategies

Insights and Forecasts

Concludes the report with actionable insights and future market trend predictions, guiding strategic planning and preparing brands for potential market and customer preference changes

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